If you experience a short beep and a blank screen after plugging your softener into the outlet, follow the information below.
1. Unplug the power supply from the outlet and plug back in. What do you see on the screen?
a. Software and model code information. Continue to step 2.
b. Data appears on the screen briefly, then disappears with a beep. Skip to step 3.
2. Do the Select and Up/Down arrows respond, and change the display?
NO; please visit our Unresponsive Control Board article.
YES; Choose the correct model code for your unit and continue through the Programming Menu. Your instructions end here.
3. The power supply to your softener is not delievering enough amperage to your control board, causing a glitch in the power up cycle. This is a power supply issue, and requires a replacement. If you are under warranty, please Contact Us. Otherwise, visit our Replacement Parts article for information on purchasing a new cord.