If you're seeing a blank screen on your water softener's display, it can be frustrating and might leave you wondering what's wrong. A blank screen typically points to a power issue or a problem with the softener's control board. Let’s examine your softener together to get your system back up and running.
On the outside of the unit:
- First, you'll want to check the power supply cord. Make sure it's plugged into the outlet.
- Examine the wiring to see if there's any damage.
- You'll want to go ahead and test the outlet. You can do this by plugging a lamp or fan into it to make sure it's working. It's also important to make sure the outlet isn't connected to a light switch.
On the inside of the unit:
Before moving forward, Remove the Top Cover of the unit. Click the link for directions if needed.
- Examine the wiring under the cover, making sure it's not damaged.
- Now, check for leaks under the covering, including moisture on the control board that may have damaged the screen. If you do find a leak or moisture, check out our External Leak article to help figure out where it may be coming from.
- The last thing we're gonna do is remove the control board to make sure nothing has gotten into it. The control board is on the underside of the display screen. It's green with wires connected to it. It may have a cover over it like the one pictured below. Pick one side and you can remove the control board by prying back the grey tabs on each corner and it will pivot out. Verify nothing has gotten in that small space there and then you can put the control board back on.
Is your screen working now?
- YES - Great!
- NO - We recommend replacing the power supply and control board. You can find information on purchasing replacement parts here. Otherwise, check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered.
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